1st February, 2023
Transitioning Beyond Academia
Dr Gemma Outen
23rd April, 2020
Evelyn Wilson, Co-Director TCCE
Inspired by a useful and rich set of resources led by SHARP Professor Deborah Lupton, University of New South Wales, entitled Doing Fieldwork in a Pandemic we invite contributions to a similar crowd sourced document with a focus on Knowledge Exchange in an age of Pandemic as a space and resource for TCCE members and the wider HE community to share what we are collectively doing.
The Covid-19 virus has meant that we are in unprecedented circumstances of lock down, social distancing and the long term impacts are worrying and also in some senses still unclear. Most of us have had to stop physically ‘going’ to work, at least temporarily. We have also had to rapidly get to grips with new platforms and develop new practices in order to conduct our work. How we talk and meet with colleagues has changed. Many of us are also taking work online in new ways, using new platforms and methods. And whilst lockdown in its strictest sense may be eased in the relatively near future, the wider ramifications of this pandemic are likely to unfold over a longer time frame.
These challenges have not been insignificant as many of us can attest. But how are we sharing the practices that we have been developing, what’s working well and what are the main challenges? What can we learn from each others’ experiences? How, as a community, whose primary goal is knowledge sharing and exchange, can we take the time through this crisis to help ourselves, to support our work, our wider communities and, not least of all, our own resilience in the very process of doing all of this. Have there been unintended consequences of our relatively new ways of working and if so what are they?
The document
We welcome you to contribute short case-studies (up to 250 words with links and images) and other information about any relevant projects, collaborations, products, designs, knowledge and methods that you or your colleagues have been working on.
We’re also keen to have anecdotal evidence and personal reflection pieces on working during this challenging time. Topics might include: emerging practices, new models of working, new collaborations, learning from other disciplines and sectors, creative use of platforms, development of apps and the like.
We also invite longer blog pieces too (500 – 1000 words) on any of the above themes or on the potentials for knowledge exchange and sharing into the near future as we come to grips with the challenges ahead.
Who can contribute: Anyone involved in knowledge exchange, in its widest sense, including public engagement. As such, we’re keen to hear from people who are leading and supporting knowledge exchange and public engagement activities in universities including: KE/PE specialists, academics, researchers or students. We’d also like to hear from those who are working on KE policy and other related spheres. We’re interested in people from other sectors, in particular the arts and cultural sectors, who are also engaged in Knowledge sharing and exchange activities
Making a contribution
Deadline for contributions: Midday 14th May 2020
Suggested length: Up to 250 words plus relevant links, images and other sources.
Include your name and institution and twitter handle
Longer read blogs: Between 500 – 100 words
Email evelyn@tcce.co.uk or suzie@tcce.co.uk for a link to the document so you can upload your piece.
We will promote the publication online and will send all contributors the link when ready so that they can do the same.
We fully expect the document to be provisional in feel. That’s fine. It’s a fast piece of work that aims to both capture a moment in time and to be useful for people now and into the near future. We’re all finding new ways of working in this new moment and we recognise that things will change and bed down as time goes on.
We are also developing a similar guide on Doing Arts and Humanities Research in a Pandemic that is being led by Professor Vida Midgelow, Middlesex University and if you would like to contribute to that, please email V.Midgelow@mdx.ac.uk. Deadline for contributions to that is also 14th May.
TCCE supports knowledge sharing and exchange, from one-off events and conversations through to ongoing fora, networking activities, public engagement activities such as festivals and other activities designed to take research into the wider public domain. We also are often at the forefront of developing initiatives to support small-scale collaborations between researchers and cultural and creative sector organisations and practitioners.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Evelyn Wilson
Co-Director, TCCE April 2020
You've been waiting for it and our May newsletter is here! -> bit.ly/3M9ICG6 pic.twitter.com/Iug9eWimQQ