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23rd April, 2020

Call for Papers: Applied Geography Special Issue on “Global Pandemics”

In an essay entitled “Pandemics: Risks, Impacts, and Mitigation,” Madhav et al. (2018) wrote, “Multiple outbreaks…have exposed gaps related to the timely detection of disease, availability of basic care, tracing of contacts, quarantine and isolation procedures, and preparedness outside the health sector, including global coordination and response mobilization” (p.315).

The recent coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak showcases the gaps of local-to-global preparedness, with widespread and unprecedented consequences affecting economies, politics, cultural norms, and societal expectations worldwide. In response to this global pandemic, the editors of Applied Geography will publish a special issue on Global Pandemics: Geographic Approaches, Patterns, Risks, and Consequences.

All submissions are expected to have a geographic approach to better understand and/or (re)solve outcomes of local-to-global pandemics. Research papers are preferred; however, review papers, short papers, and opinion pieces that are relevant to theoretical, methodological, and policy perspectives will be considered as well.

Applied Geography expects to publish the Special Issue by November 2020.

The deadline for submissions is August 10, 2020.

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