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9th March, 2020

International City Week 2020

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Event Details

9th March, 2020
End Date:
13th March, 2020
City, University of London
Northampton Square

The varied programme includes events to mark International Women’s Day, cultural awareness sessions, an alumni panel event, an intercultural communication masterclass for staff, sporting activities, language tasters, a chance to try food from around the world and much more.

Events include:

International Women’s Day: The Secret History of Women at work- Fur Traders, builders and sailors

How might we learn from and be inspired by the hidden history of women who have worked in male occupations? Find out at this workshop run by Julie Wheelwright, author of ‘Sister’s in Arms: Female Warriors from Antiquity to the Millennium.

International Women’s Day: Successful women in the workplace – succeeding in male dominated sectors

To mark International Women’s Day our panel of City alumni will reflect on challenges they have faced in their careers, the effect of the MeToo campaign on the workplace and give advice on negotiating salaries, navigating promotion opportunities and maintaining a work life balance.

International Women’s Day: The Secret Lives of Female Academics

Drawing on theory, research and personal stories, Dr Julia Yates will discuss the highs and lows of working in academia and the particular experiences of women in this field. The session is aimed at doctoral students and early career researchers and will offer some explanations and strategies for carving out a fulfilling career.


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