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2nd December, 2019

Funding Call: Global Professorships 2020

This programme aims to demonstrate and further enhance the UK’s commitment to international research partnerships and collaboration as well as strengthen the UK’s research capacity and capability in the humanities and the social sciences.

Each appointment is intended to be a complete project in itself and is expected to involve a specific research focus, although the British Academy does not have a preferred model for the balance of time to be spent between research and teaching (which may vary over the course of the award and will depend on the UK host institution’s needs).

The Global Professorships are expected to add significant value to the UK host institutions and vice versa, and thus the projects must be significant, leading to novel and innovative collaborations. With the Global Professorships, the Academy is looking to support academics that are proposing ambitious, beyond the state-of-the-art applications that break new ground. The Academy views the Global Professorships as an opportunity to apply to undertake high-risk, curiosity-driven research in the humanities and social sciences that enables the award-holders and their UK host institutions to achieve a step change in their respective research programmes.

Awards will not be made retrospectively: the work for which support is requested must not have commenced before the award is announced.

The Academy welcomes applications from a diverse range of UK host institutions. In the current competition round, the Academy wishes to particularly encourage applications from historically and / or structurally disadvantaged groups, low-income countries and from female applicants.

Eligibility requirements

Applicants must:

  • Be recognised scholars or researchers with exceptional promise who are on a permanent contract outside the UK (which may be part-time or full-time) or, if temporary, would normally be on a contract that will not end during the course of the grant unless expressly agreed with the Academy prior to the application being submitted that such an application would be considered eligible, in any field of the humanities or the social sciences.
  • Hold a doctoral degree (or have equivalent research experience).

Deadline: 17.00 (UK time) on Wednesday 19 February 2020.

More info here.

Refine Results

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