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15th November, 2019

Public Debate: Music in the Curriculum: tensions, choices and opportunities

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Event Details

15th November, 2019
17:00 - 20:30
Performance Space
College Building
City, University of London
St John Street

The Department of Music at City, University of London is pleased to host a wide-ranging public debate on pressing issues relating to music education at all levels, from primary through tertiary. This event brings together a panel of leading professionals, academics and other experts, in dialogue with responses and questions from current students and sixth-formers.

Music education in the UK is regularly in the news at present. A panel of musicians and educationalists has been drawn up by schools minister Nick Gibb to devise a model curriculum for classroom music covering Key Stages one to three (up to the age of 14), though their report has been delayed.

Other issues which have received public attention include provision or otherwise of music teaching in state schools, with notable regional variation in this respect; the styles, genres and traditions of music which are perceived to be most important to teach in a multicultural society; the importance or otherwise of musical notation and other traditional core musical skills; the dangers of abusive or bullying relationships between instrumental and vocal teachers and students in a one-to-one teaching relationship, especially in elite musical institutions; and the purpose and viability of music as a subject at tertiary level and the relationship between this and primary and secondary provision.

Debate panel to include:

  • Chair: Dr Steven Berryman, Director of Music, City of London School for Girls; Cultural and Creative Learning, City of London Education Team.
  • Dr David Hughes, Research Associate, SOAS, University of London, Department of Music and Japan Research Centre, expert on Japan and Japanese musical cultures.
  • Professor Barbara Kelly, Royal Northern College of Music, President of the Royal Musical Association.
  • Professor Deborah Mawer, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, leading on music education for the Royal Musical Association.
  • Gillian Moore CBE, Director of Music and former Head of Education, Southbank Centre.
  • Dr Ian Pace, pianist, musicologist, Head of Performance, City, University of London, editor of forthcoming collection on ‘deskilling’ in tertiary music education, campaigner against and researcher into abusive practices in specialist music education.
  • Dr Jessica Pitt, Lecturer in Music Education, Royal College of Music, expert in early childhood music education (0-5 years).
  • Dr Henry Stobart, Reader in Music and Ethnomusicology, Royal Holloway, University of London, editor, Knowledge and Learning in the Andes: Ethnographic Perspectives.
  • Simon Toyne, Executive Director of Music, David Ross Education Trust, Director, Eton Choral Courses, former Director of Music, Tiffin School.

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