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22nd August, 2019

Liverpool John Moores University announces new Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive


The Board of Governors of Liverpool John Moores University have appointed Professor Ian Campbell to lead the institution as the next Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive.

Ian is currently Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Hertfordshire, is a Professor of Applied Physiology and has extensive knowledge in the areas of teaching and learning, student experience, and has proven success in executive leadership. He has had six successful years at Hertfordshire where he was responsible for the development of the university strategy and all academic related areas. Prior to this as PVC at Brunel University he was responsible for developing the student experience and external relations. His primary research area, over the last 30 years, has focused on the physiology of individuals with a spinal cord injury during exercise. Ian knows LJMU from his time acting as external examiner and being part of research projects in the School of Sport and Exercise Science.

Mike Parker, Chair of the Board of Governors who led the panel to appoint the new Vice-Chancellor comments:

“Ian is a great appointment and we are delighted that he will be joining us to lead the university into its next stage of development. We are fortunate that Mark Power, who has led us so successfully through this transition year as our Interim Vice-Chancellor, will be a key part of the team who will support Ian when he joins us in the first part of the academic year. Ian will be coming to a university in excellent shape, with a strong forward-thinking plan and with a staff and student community to be proud of.”

Ian comments:

“I am delighted and honoured to have been appointed as the next Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive at LJMU. The university vision and mission speak to me personally and I am a passionate advocate on areas that are important to LJMU, including the student experience, research and community engagement.

As part of the recruitment process I was fortunate to be on campus during the June open day where I was able to feel the buzz and see for myself how staff interacted with students and their families in such an engaging and friendly way. This is clearly a committed and upbeat university which reflects the spirit and generosity of the city and I can’t wait to join and lead the university into its next chapter.”

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