7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
13th June, 2019
In an age of global communication, the making of histories and memories is closely connected to diverse and moving media landscapes.
The kaleidoscope of different media, memories and histories influences the remembering, forgetting and archiving of events and processes, and is therefore constantly shaping and reshaping individual and collective identities. This PGR conference will address the underlying power structures of the relationship between the three ever-evolving fields by foregrounding interdisciplinary research that crosses the boundaries separating them. New and more nuanced ways of understanding the past as well as the present can be discovered by including media technologies thatare developing through time as well as different understandings of both memory and history, so that multiple realities can be explored. In this sense, this conference is interested in the moving character of media, memories and histories, which do not only travel with the subjects that inhabit them, but are further constantly transmitted through diverse forms of communication between humans, objects and technologies.
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