7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
10th June, 2019
In delivering services to users of health and social care, organisations often highlight their ambition to respond in person centred ways that treat all service users with dignity, respect and compassion.
However, scrutiny of healthcare culture and practice alongside the lived experience of patients and service users (Galvin and Todres, 2013) suggests that human centred aspirations to the delivery of health and social care often conflict with perceived (or real) priorities of care directed more towards systems and processes than people. Marginalised groups such as older people, those with dementia or people with post-stroke communication difficulties, may be particularly at risk of dehumanising experiences.
This presentation will describe a values-based framework of eight interacting dimensions of humanising care (Todres et al., 2009) and demonstrate how increased sensitisation to what it means to be human can enhance compassionate care and practice in diverse healthcare settings. Illustrative case studies from two neuro rehabilitation settings will highlight the potential benefits of humanisation theory and practice to everyday interactions, staff wellbeing and service improvement initiatives.
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