29th June, 2023
29th May, 2019
A growing body of empirical and theoretical work shows that institutions and cultural aspects matter for a variety of economic, social and institutional outcomes, in high income as well as in emerging and developing economies.
However, still, at present, culture and institutions are keywords belonging to two distinct research streams that rarely meet to engage in an interactive and constructive debate. This workshop aims to build an ad-hoc research platform for such a debate. We are interested in studies that address the role of institutions, cultural traits, and cultural differences on a variety of economic, social and institutional outcomes.
Particularly, we focus on different contributions that institutions and cultural aspects may provide to better understand individuals and social attitudes towards rent-seeking behaviours, corruption, tax evasion, and institutional trust, among others. We are also interested in studies investigating how cultural traits and institutions relate to different forms of economic and institutional performance.
We welcome contributions from different academic disciplines (including, but not limited to, political science, economics, development studies, law, sociology and social psychology, and organisational studies), using different units of analysis (individuals, firms and organisations, sectoral, regional, country, cross-country level, etc.) and different methodologies and techniques (theoretical, empirical, qualitative, and quantitative).
Submit a structured abstract (max. 500 words) by 24 April 2019 to ssees-events@ucl.ac.uk. The submission should be sent with “Institutions and Culture in Economic Context” in the subject line.
More info here.
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