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24th April, 2019


In the second round of the Elevate programme Arts Council England are investing £3 million of National Lottery funding into improving the resilience of organisations making a significant contribution to the Creative Case for Diversity, to encourage an increase of diverse led organisations within the National Portfolio.


Who can apply?

Arts organisations, Accredited museums, museum support organisations1 and libraries2 not in receipt of National Portfolio funding during the period 2018-22 To be eligible, all applicants must be able to evidence that they are a properly constituted organisation, with a registered address in England, and have been constituted and delivering activity since at least 1 April 2018.

The kinds of organisations eligible to apply include:

• limited companies registered at Companies House (including individuals trading as a limited company)

• community interest companies (CICs) registered with the CIC regulator • charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs) registered with the Charity Commission

• charities or trusts registered with the Charity Commission

• limited liability partnerships registered at Companies House

• partnerships established under a deed of partnership

• industrial and provident societies or community benefit societies regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority


The deadline for Expressions of Interest is 12pm on 23 May 2019. You will be notified of the outcome of this stage by June 2019.

More info here.

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