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18th April, 2019

Enterprise Hub appoints Women’s Entrepreneur Ambassador

Blockchain entrepreneur and MarketOrders Co-Founder Sukhi Jutla was recently chosen by Westmont Enterprise Hub to become their Women’s Entrepreneur Ambassador. This new vibrant start-up facility, which is part of University of West London (UWL), aims to support and encourage entrepreneurship.

Westmont Enterprise Hub links entrepreneurs with investment, business support, and University expertise to help them succeed and is a major boost for start-up businesses in the region.

With already more than 20 start-ups and 450 members, the Hub has connections to more than 500 businesses and plans to double its number of start-ups by the end of the year.

Speaking about the role, Sukhi said:

The Hub is a wonderful initiative to cultivate and spark the incredible entrepreneurial talent growing in West London. The Hub benefits from the facilities of the University as well as connections to investors and other peer groups. West London has always been a thriving entrepreneurial area and its fantastic to see this infrastructure to support this thriving ecosystem.

Sukhi’s role will be in an advisory, inspiration, and leadership capacity. Graduating from Royal Holloway, University of London after attending the local Ealing college and working in corporate finance, Sukhi never intended on being an entrepreneur. But after a decade, she left the corporate world and explained her transition to entrepreneurship in her book ‘Escape the Cubicle: Quit the job you hate. Create a life you love’.

After 10 years of being an entrepreneur, several ups and downs, and a few mistakes, she has become a fulfilled business woman and a thought leader in the tech space. Indeed, she has been recognised by a number of industry awards, including the Asian Women of Achievement Award and Management Today’s ’35 Women Under 35′, in addition to being named a Top 100 European Digital Pioneer by The Financial Times and Google.

Sukhi gave us her insight on what it’s like to be an entrepreneur:

“Most people think of the Richard Branson types of personalities when they think about entrepreneurship but it’s not always like that! I believe we all have the entrepreneurial spirit, and it can be expressed in many different ways.

“My experience brings with it real insider knowledge on what it’s really like to be an entrepreneur and grow a business from scratch, how to deal with setbacks and how to keep moving forward. I will share my learning with the Hub community and encourage more people to consider starting a business, especially in West London.”

Find out more about the Westmont Enterprise Hub

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