7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
12th November, 2018
Join us for the launch of Confrontations: Sessions in East European Art History, with an introductory panel talk by programme leaders Dr Maja Fowkes and Dr Reuben Fowkes (PACT UCL / Translocal Institute) with international guests and team members Dr Pavlina Morganová (Academy of Fine Arts in Prague), Dr Tomasz Załuski (Institute of Contemporary Culture, University of Łódź) and Alina Șerban (art historian and curator, Bucharest).
What are the burning issues of Central and East European art history, why are transnational and comparative approaches to under-researched topics in the art of the socialist period so important today, and how might the reassessment of artistic production in the region transform global accounts of art movements from the 1950s to the 1980s?
This collective research project, supported by the Getty Foundation’s Connecting Art Histories initiative, is based at the Post-socialist Art CenTre (PACT) at the Institute of Advanced Studies UCL in collaboration with the Department of History of Art and School of Slavonic and East European Studies.
Following the panel there will be an opportunity for informal discussion and to raise a glass to this major new UK-based endeavour for the study of East European art.
You've been waiting for it and our May newsletter is here! -> bit.ly/3M9ICG6 pic.twitter.com/Iug9eWimQQ