7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
7th November, 2018
In the past two decades, empirical research on film audiences has significantly developed methodologies and questions related to film and memory.
Some of these studies concentrate on a period of time in which cinema was an essential leisure activity for millions, before the arrival of television, multiplex, videos, and home cinema. Combining ethnographic audience study with cultural and cinema history has allowed new insights into the historical reception of films and confirmed the vital role of oral history for a better understanding of cinema audiences.
The Italian Cinema Audiences (2013-2016) – an AHRC-funded inter-institutional research project – sits precisely within this new body of research and responds to the urge of using a bottom-up approach to shed new light onto the cultural history of a country in a particular historical moment. This presentation will make use of the findings of the Italian Cinema Audiences research project to explore the role of oral history in the process of understanding cinema-going as a cultural practice.
It will present different approaches to the analysis of the oral history, such as the geo-visualization process to map memories ‘as personal annotations’ (Tasker 1999: 1) and the triangulation of the video-interviews with archival and programming data to inform of unknown viewing practices, providing a fuller understanding of the role cinema played in Italians’ cultural life. The presentation will also reflect on the funding application process of the project.
Dr Treveri Gennari is a Reader in Film in the School of Arts, Oxford Brookes University.
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