29th June, 2023
25th September, 2018
The next phase of the Audience of the Future Challenge sees the launch of a new R&D fund, Production Innovation for Immersive Content. Up to £8m is available for business-led R&D projects that enable immersive content to be created faster, more efficiently or in new ways, and which improve significantly on the current ‘state-of-the-art’ in the field.
Lowering the cost of this content and expanding the ways in which it can be experienced will help UK businesses, especially SMEs to flourish and maintain the UK’s position as a global creative powerhouse.
The competition is open to all UK creative industry organisations working with immersive technologies. Single company projects can receive up to £250,000, while collaborative projects up to £1m. All proposals must involve at least one participant who is a content creator and develop tools, products or services for creating and delivering immersive content.
The full competition scope will be made live on Monday 1 October – further information, including a range of resources to help and support applications will be available from that date.
A series of briefing, networking and drop-in events are planned throughout October. These events are designed to give you an opportunity to meet the teams behind the competitions, learn more about the scope of funding on offer, ask questions and meet potential partners and collaborators. These events are free to attend, however as demand is expected to be high, early registration is essential! Events include:
You've been waiting for it and our May newsletter is here! -> bit.ly/3M9ICG6 pic.twitter.com/Iug9eWimQQ