7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
19th February, 2018
The digital revolution has disrupted almost everything about the news media. But it has not changed the underlying ethics of journalism. As a society, we still need a plural media to share accurate information, represent our concerns and hold the powerful to account. However, old media faces an existential threat from social media, and new and unscrupulous players are entering the news market, producing false information that masquerades as journalism – so-called ‘fake news’.
How can public policy address the complex, fast moving and controversial issues raised by the digital news agenda?
Fifteen months after IMPRESS was publicly recognised as the UK’s first truly independent press regulator, its Chair, Walter Merricks CBE, reflects on its achievements, its experience in regulating online publishers, the state of media regulation and the role IMPRESS can play in the digital age.
This is a joint event with the Department of Journalism and IMPRESS. All guests are invited to a small networking reception frollowing the main event.
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