The University is delighted to announce that Zahra Choudhry, the Vice President of Education at UWL Students’ Union (UWLSU), has been appointed to the Student Panel of the Office for Students – the Government’s regulatory and competition authority for the higher education sector in England.
In this advisory role, Zahra will represent the interests and values of all students directly to the Government. She has pledged to challenge the Office for Students to enshrine access and equality at the heart of its activities.
Zahra – who graduated in MSc Health Psychology at UWL’s School for Human and Social Science – said: ‘There is an opportunity for the regulations to be shaped to allow for a flexible, engaging and supportive teaching approach, which enables students to thrive and determine their own futures, instead of becoming another statistic.
‘I have been lucky to find people who believed in me at the University of West London, who brought out the best in me and have helped me succeed.’
UWL Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter John, said: ‘Congratulations to Zahra on her appointment. Her journey mirrors the experience and challenges which many UWL students face, so her success is testament to this University’s commitment to ensuring as many people as possible reap all the benefits that higher education has to offer.’
Welcoming Zahra’s appointment, NUS President Shakira Martin, said: ‘I’m so happy that Zahra has been appointed. I’ve always believed that the student panel at the Office for Students should represent all types of universities and I think Zahra brings a very important viewpoint. I’m looking forward to working with her.’