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5th December, 2017

Creative Industries Clusters Programme New Call

The Creative Industries Clusters Programme has reached its latest milestone with the launch of the call to host the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre.

The Centre will be a national and international asset providing an independent voice about the creative industries through analysis, evidence and research.

Led by a higher education institution or a recognised Independent Research Organisation, it will facilitate collaborations, connections and research in order to form a detailed understanding of the creative industries to inform future policy and strategy.

Alexandra Vincent, leading the programme for AHRC, said: “This is a significant opportunity for the creative industries.  The Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre will enable greater collaboration between the creative industries and HEIs and provide an evidence-driven contribution to one of the fastest growing sectors within the UK economy.

“As an independent resource, the Centre will be important for policy makers, creative businesses and sector organisations.”

A minimum of £8m (including a minimum 25 per cent matched funding) will go toward the Policy and Evidence Centre with an AHRC contribution of £6m from July 2018 to March 2023.

The Policy and Evidence Centre is part of the Creative Industries Clusters Programme, funded through the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, which is investing £80m-plus to help catalyse growth in the creative economy and provide the skills needed for the jobs of the future. The Programme, which starts in 2018, is designed to create a step-change in collaboration between the country’s internationally-renowned creative industries and universities across the UK.

The deadline for applications is 8 February 2018 and the centre will launch in July 2018. The first stage is for a statement of intent to be submitted by 11 December 2017.

For further information, please view the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre call documents.

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