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4th July, 2017

Brexit Manifesto for Creative HE – First Roundtable

Paula Graham-Gazzard, CHEAD

The first of the series of regional consultation workshops which will inform our Brexit Manifesto for Creative Higher Education, to be launched at The Palace of Westminster on 11 September 2017 in the presence of the Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP, was hosted by the School of Media, Arts & Design at the University of Westminster on 20 June 2017.

The event was very well attended, beginning with a post-election Brexit briefing from Jack Tindale of APDIG followed by positioning from Dr Gillian Youngs, Professor of Creative and Digital Economy and Head of Innovation and Impact at Westminster with Julia Bennett, Head of research at the Crafts Council.

The event rounded off with a brainstorming workshop facilitated by Evelyn Wilson from our partner organisation, The Cultural Capital Exchange (TCCE) and we are currently analysing the outputs from the session. APDIG will be producing an interim report after each session and this will be made available shortly.

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