7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
6th July, 2017
A multi-lingual theatre performance about our response to climate change, performed by an international cast
Melting ice caps, dying polar bears, havoc wreaked by extreme floods and storms: we’ve all seen images showing some of the potentially catastrophic effects of climate change. We’ve also all seen graphs about rising C02 levels and the warming of the atmosphere and heard scientists’ gloomy warnings of irreversible damage we are doing to our earth’s ecology. Yet, we – as individuals – are surprisingly reluctant to react to and act on these messages.
Global warming and how we (don’t) respond to it is a multi-lingual theatre project exploring our complex psychological reactions to climate change and why we so often fail to do anything about it. Devised and performed by an international cast of young theatre makers and students from the UK, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, and France, and inspired by the writings of climate psychologists, this work-in-progress presentation delves into the funny, twisted and often tragi-comic ways our climate change behaviours are ruled by anything but rational thought.
Global warming and how we (don’t) respond to it is organised by Theatre Arts and the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries at the University of Middlesex. It is part of the Instant Mix Theatre Lab Founding Project, an international project exploring transnational and multi-lingual ways of creating theatre in collaboration with Compagnie L’Instant Même (France), Academy of Arts Novi Sad (Serbia), Asticude and Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah (Morocco) and funded by Creative Europe.
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