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8th June, 2017

Conceptualising employee silence in a long-term crisis context

London South Bank University

Event Details

8th June, 2017
12:00 - 13:00
LSBU Southwark Campus - London Road, Room 391

What are the long-term impacts of employee silence within the workplace? Rea Prouska presents findings from her research, conducted at the time of the Greek economic crisis

The economic crisis created unstable labour markets and worsened working conditions particularly in institutionally-weak economies in the European periphery. Organisations responded to the crisis by cutting labour costs through implementing pay cuts, restructuring, downsizing and layoffs.

In such economic turbulence, businesses depend upon their employees for engagement, participation, innovation and receptiveness to change, all of which can be achieved by enabling the free expression of voice at work.

Rea Prouska, Associate Professor at London South Bank University (LSBU), presents findings on employee silence and its long-term impact, conducted from a study during two periods of the Greek economic crisis. It explored the absence of voice – employee silence – in small and medium-sized enterprises from an employee perspective.

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