7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
3rd February, 2017
The digital copyright and piracy wars, which began with Napster and continue today into the age of streaming, Spotify and Netflix, have engaged in broadly three strategies to defend existing content industries, which can be described as punish, prevent, and provide alternative business models.
Speaker: Professor Lilian Edwards (Strathclyde University)
Professor Edwards is a leading academic in the field of Internet law. She has taught information technology law, e-commerce law, and Internet law at undergraduate and postgraduate level since 1996 and been involved with law and artificial intelligence since 1985. Her current research interests, while broad, revolve around the topics of online privacy, intermediary liability, cybercrime, Internet pornography, digital assets and digital copyright enforcement.
Since 2012, Edwards has been Deputy Director of CREATe, the Centre for Creativity, Regulation, Enterprise and Technology, a £5m Research Council UK research centre about copyright and business models.
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