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21st July, 2016

TCCE Inside Out Festival and Creative Matters Festival Discussion Workshop

The Culture Capital Exchange
Members Only

Event Details

21st July, 2016
15:00 - 17:00
King's College London
Anatomy Museum (6th floor)
Strand Campus
FREE. Registration essential.

Please note: This event is exclusively for TCCE member academics/ professional staff and professionals.

We would like to invite academics and professional staff from TCCE’s member organisations to a workshop where we will be exploring two key topics; Inside Out Festival and Creative Matters Festival.

As many of you will be aware, TCCE has been running the Inside Out Festival since 2008. The festival has been a key part of our history and a key fixture in our annual programme of activities with around 50 events taking place during the third week of October over the last 7 years. At a recent workshop where we brought together many of the senior decision makers to discuss what they value most about TCCE and where, moving into the future, we can best generate value for the majority of the partners.

Whilst the festival was recognised as being a great thing to have, it was acknowledged that it is now timely to focus on what it does, how it works and how it could evolve. We have had some interesting thoughts on the festival to share with those of you who have previously been involved in the festival or indeed who would like to do so in future. We would also, however, very much like to hear from you on the topic and to encourage your involvement in helping to shape the future direction of this important and ground-breaking initiative.

Furthermore, we have been invited to become a partner on a brand new and very exciting initiative being led by DesignersBlock as part of London Design Festival. The festival is entitled Creative Matters and it will take place from 15 – 18 September at the iconic Barge House building on the Southbank. We’d like to invite you to get involved in Creative Matters and we will have the opportunity to also explore that in the workshop. The key themes for Creative Matters include:

  • Strategies for cities, creative quarters, regeneration, urban innovation. Designing conditions where creativity flourishes.
  • Understanding the micro business and service design. How does business and government incorporate design thinking ?
  • Developing successful creative practice. Tools, strategies and tips for innovation and entrepreneurship.

This event is a great opportunity to come together to discuss both of these initiatives and is open to TCCE member academics/ professional staff.  

To register, please click here REGISTER NOW.  


We look forward to seeing you.

Evelyn Wilson (Director) and Georgina Potts (Senior Manager)
The Culture Capital Exchange


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