7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
7th May, 2016
In May 1972 David Bowie took to the stage at Penrhyn Road campus, a gig that would later be released as a live bootleg. Join us, 44 years later, as Professor Will Brooker, in the guise of Bowie himself (as part of his immersive yearlong research) fronts Thin White Duke, top Bowie tribute band, at Kingston University.
Click here to see a sneak preview of Will Brooker’s forthcoming documentary, Being Bowie.
This event is being held with the generous support of the School of Performance and Screen Studies’ Popular Culture and Audio Culture Research Unit (PCRU) and Audio Culture Research Unit (ACRU).
Booking is essential to attend this event.
For further information about this event:
Contact: Lucy Williams
Email: l.williams@kingston.ac.uk
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