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29th April, 2016

Workforce Development: Challenges, Opportunities and the Way Forward

Event Details

29th April, 2016
9.30 - 4pm
C114, Middlesex University, The Burroughs, London NW44BT
Free, but booking is required as numbers are limited

The Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (DARC) presents its annual conference.

‘Where we have been, where we are, and where we are going’

Keynote speaker: Professor Ann Roche, Director National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction, Flinders University, Australia.

The conference will address issues such as the increasing professionalisation of the workforce in the substance use field; what is meant by work force development (eg. capacity, capability, skills); the need to consider the individual worker, the organisation and the wider treatment system; worker welfare and issues such as ‘burn out’; the political, economic and social influences on workforce development; where we have been, where we are and where we are going.

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