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2nd March, 2016

Public Lecture: The next 20 years of the LHC

Event Details

2nd March, 2016
School of Physics and Astronomy, GO Jones Building, Queen Mary University of London

Hear about the future of particle physics with Dr Eram Rizvi

The LHC programme is set to continue for the next two decades. Having discovered the Higgs Boson in its first run, Run-2 (2015-2018) has almost doubled the energy opening up the possibility of new discoveries. The analysis of this new data is underway and initial results are starting to be released. At the same time, plans to upgrade the LHC and its experiments are currently being made to increase the number of particles that can be accelerated whilst improving the quality of the data at the same time. The ultimate aim is to solve the big questions of the nature of dark matter, the differences between matter and anti-matter and the first direct observations of quantum gravity phenomena. The game isn’t over – it’s only just begun.

The lecture will be followed by drinks and nibbles.

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