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9th December, 2015

Health Sandpit

Event Details

9th December, 2015
14:30 - 18:00
St. Bride Foundation,
Bride Lane,
Fleet St,

Local Authorities struggle to report on the impacts of their investments as they rely largely on anecdotal evidence, and conversations between Sutton Council and The Culture Capital Exchange raised concerns over the effectiveness of the ‘Prevent, Reduce, Delay’ policy surrounding Adult Social Care.

In response to this, TCCE held the Health Sandpit to enable the Sutton Council to link up with academic partners who could assist with policy evaluation and evidencing effectiveness of their initiatives. The sandpit brought widely diverse voices and perspectives of academics, psychologists, designers, artists and community practitioners together to be heard, with the intention to cultivate new initiatives. TCCE identified funding opportunities from relevant trusts and foundations, and the exciting, impactful event lead to future research collaborations between TCCE members, Local Authorities and Voluntary Sector organisations.

Contributors/Speakers:  Professor Alex Williams, Kingston University London; Dr Stuart Wood, Guildhall School of Music and Drama; Dr Stumpf, Simone, City University London; Professor Jeremy Strong, University of West London; Aoife Shanley, Guildhall School of Music and Drama; Dr Sara  Rhodes, Central Saint Martins; Dr Alison Prendiville, London College of Communication; Dr Nada Philip, Kingston University London; Kieran O’Connor, Kingston University London; Caroline Norrie, King’s College London; Dr Penelope Mendonça, University of the Arts London; Dr Carolyn Mair, London College of Fashion; Dr Katharine Low, Central School for Speech and Drama; Dr Reem Kayyali, Kingston University London; Dr Sara Jones, City University London; Dr Anke Jakob, Kingston University London; Pro Mark Vice Chancellor Gray, Middlesex University London; Dr Francisco Florez Revuelta, Kingston University London; Professor Tony Evans, Royal Holloway University of London; Dr Shereen Nabhani, Kingston University London; Dr Michelle Cornes, King’s College London; Siân Cook, London College of Communication; Louisa Borg-Costanzi Potts, Trinity Laban; Sal Anderson, London College of Communication; Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor Anthony Woodman, University of West London

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