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30th September, 2015

Do you work in the arts, culture or creative industries? Take this survey on diversity in the sector

Do you work in the arts, culture or creative industries in the UK, in any capacity? If so, this is your chance to contribute to a major survey into diversity, the results of which will give a better understanding of the creatives at work in this country – and whether more needs to be done to include marginal voices.

We’re hoping to build up a picture of what working life looks like: what jobs people do, how much they get paid and what the main issues affecting cultural work are, including a chance for you to voice your opinions in detail. We’d be delighted if you’d take some time, no more than 10 minutes, to tell us your experiences and thoughts.

The information provided by you in this questionnaire will only be accessible by the research team, who are academics from the University of Sheffield, Goldsmiths, and the LSE. It will not be used in a manner which would allow identification of your individual responses, and it will be stored securely by Goldsmiths.

We’ll be publishing the findings as part of Panic! in November 2015, a Createproject which will involve 10 days of events in partnership with Goldsmiths, the Barbican and British Art Show 8. If you’d like more information about the project see the website, or contact

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