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26th June, 2015

Royal Holloway awarded Alcohol Impact accreditation for cultivating a safe and responsible drinking culture

Royal Holloway, University of London, has been awarded an Alcohol Impact mark of accreditation for demonstrating its commitment to providing a healthier, more inclusive campus experience for students.

The NUS Alcohol Impact scheme, which has been championed by the Royal Holloway Students’ Union, aims to challenge negative drinking cultures by promoting responsible drinking practices on campus and ensuring students feel supported in making informed decisions which improve health and wellbeing.

Royal Holloway was one of seven universities to take part in the Alcohol Impact pilot scheme, which was funded by the Home Office. It is now hoped that more universities and students’ unions will follow the example set by Royal Holloway and other accredited institutions as the scheme is rolled out nationally.

Students’ Union Co President (Welfare & Diversity), Sidonie Bertrand-Shelton, said: “The Alcohol Impact scheme has enabled us to work in partnership with the university, to come up with creative projects outside of what we would usually do, in an effort to influence drinking culture on campus. The tone of the campaign has been fantastic, focusing on healthy and responsible use of alcohol, which has led to a positive response from students. This initiative has been a great addition to our combined portfolio of welfare interventions.”

The Principal, Professor Paul Layzell, said: “We are delighted that Royal Holloway has been successfully accredited in the NUS Alcohol Impact scheme. Being part of the scheme has allowed us to proactively develop our work on alcohol awareness and education for students, and allowed us to enhance and reflect on the joint work already in place between the students’ union and college. Our students have engaged well with the project and have been key in formulating ideas for our future involvement with Alcohol Impact and the promotion of responsible and healthy alcohol consumption.”

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