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23rd June, 2015

Sorrel Hershberg

The Sorrell Foundation

Sorrel Hershberg is Director of the Sorrell Foundation, a charity set up by Sir John and Frances Sorrell in 1999 to inspire creativity in young people.

The National Art&Design Saturday Club offers 14 to 16 year olds the unique opportunity to study art and design every Saturday morning at their local college or university for free. Currently, the Saturday Club is running in 40 locations across the UK and works with around 1,200 young people.

The Sorrell Foundation’s programmes link schoolchildren with colleges and universities and with creative professionals; over the last 15 years it has worked with 10,000 young people across the UK. The Foundation is currently working on extending the Saturday Club model to other subject areas.

Sorrel has 20 years’ experience curating and programming design exhibitions and public programmes. Prior to joining the Foundation, she was Senior Programme Manager for Frieze Foundation, organising the not for profit content of Frieze Art Fair. Before this she had been a design curator at the British Council and at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

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