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Posted on: 26th May, 2015

Kingston University and University of Greenwich lectures in advanced macroeconomics

Event Details

Posted on:
26th May, 2015
10.00-14.00 -

University of Greenwich and Kingston University are jointly organising a series of lectures in advanced macroeconomics based on a political economy approach combining institutionalist, Keynesian and Marxist traditions. The lectures assume knowledge of core concepts in macroeconomics at masters level.

The lecture series builds on the research expertise of staff in political economy at both universities, and is designed originally for their PhD students; however they welcome PhD students from other universities or masters students who wish to explore more advanced topics.

Wednesday 12th June
Advanced macroeconomics with Professor Steve Keen and Dr Iren Levina
10.00-14.00, Room JG1006, Kingston University
This lecture focuses on modelling financial instability and financialisation of households.

Wednesday 17th June
Advanced macroeconomics with Dr Cem Oyvat and Dr Ewa Karwowski
10.00-14.00, Queen Anne Building Room 139, University of Greenwich
This lecture focuses on inequality and growth in the developing world and finance, financialisation and development.

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