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28th March, 2015

Is everyone now a publisher?

Event Details

28th March, 2015
9.00 - 18.00
Room 2002, John Galsworthy building, Penrhyn Road, Penrhyn Road campus, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2EE
£90 - £115

Right now the publishing landscape is awash with change. Publishers are buying less and more cautiously and self-publishing is now an established and effective option for managing the route from writer to reader. However they plan to reach their market, authors need to embrace new ways of thinking and working; choices have to be made.
Our one day course will give you an update on the publishing and writing landscape.

However long-established or recent your writing career, this is information you need to know. In addition, we offer practical guidance on how to think about preparing your material for publication – what to do and in what order, and how much time and money to allocate. You will also have the chance to make key connections and gather a support network that will be highly valuable to you in future – and help you sustain your creative practice. We want authors to benefit from all the changes and new services available rather than feel overwhelmed or threatened by them. Our course will also look at the situation afresh; consider tactics that have worked in the publishing industry in the past, as well as the wealth of options available right now.

To this end, we have assembled a significant panel of thinkers and practitioners around the publishing industry and encourage anyone considering making content available to join us. Hosted at Kingston, home of the celebrated Publishing MA, our course offers an opportunity to engage with and understand the landscape – and on this basis to make plans for the future. Whatever your current stage in writing, this is an opportunity not to be missed.

Chaired by Dr Alison Baverstock of Kingston’s Publishing MA, the course will offer you access to a wide range of experts in this area including:

  • Michael Bhaskar (publisher and author of The Content Machine);
  • book historian Judith Watts on what we can learn from the past to help us understand the future;
  • literary agent Andrew Lownie on how to choose between traditional and self-publishing options – and ride the changes;
  • The Alliance of Independent Authors with practical advice on how to steer a path through the options on offer;
  • a range of ebook hosting, print on demand providers and other publishing support networks (Diego Marano of Kobo, Gareth Howard of Authoright, Justine Solomons of Byte the Book and Anna Lewis of Completely Novel) with the opportunity to talk to them as a group about what to look for in publishing support;
  • Laura Summers of Book Machine on how to establish and effect marketing, both on and offline marketing; and
  • course leader for Publishing MA, Anna Faherty, on how to put together, plan and implement a publishing plan.


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