7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
14th January, 2015
In Living Data, a new solo exhibition by internationally recognised artist and King’s College London academic Michael Takeo Magruder, the digital medium is used to explore the nature of data in our society.
There’s a vast and ever-changing sea of data that underpins nearly all aspects of every day existence. This exhibition considers how emerging technologies, like social media and user-generated content, arise from and feed back into the real world. It looks at how they reflect (and affect) our globalised, information rich society.
Simultaneously beautiful and thought provoking, the pieces in the exhibition creatively blend modern computer systems and networks with traditional forms of visual art. The result is a selection of digitally hybrid paintings, sculptures, videos and installations that give visitors an opportunity to experience new ways of seeing and interacting with the ephemeral realms of ‘living’ data which are now an increasingly fundamental part of contemporary life.
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