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Posted on: 29th October, 2014

The Homeless Film Festival

Event Details

Posted on:
29th October, 2014
Various -
London College of Communication, Elephant and Castle London SE1 6SB

The Homeless Film Festival is the first festival of its kind that is dedicated to confronting and presenting homeless issues. Our touring film festival screens high end films from around the world in independent cinemas and special locations, all of which have homeless issues as a central theme or are films that are made by homeless creatives in a mixture of genres.

The Unloved – 14th November
Parked – 12th November
There Once Was An Island – 4th November
The Fisher King – 7th November
The Answer to Everything – 10th November
Short Film Programme (A selection of high end short films submitted to the festival from around the world) – 10th November

For more information please visit the Homeless Film Festival website.


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