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28th March, 2014

AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award: Family History, Place and Diaspora at Queen Mary University of London

Queen Mary University of London and The Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers)

Applications are invited for an AHRC-funded Collaborative Doctoral Award (PhD studentship) on ‘Family history, place and diaspora’ in the RGS-IBG collections.

The studentship is one of four PhD awards made by the AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) between the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) and the Royal Society of London. The project will be supervised by Professor Alison Blunt and Professor Cathy McIlwaine (Queen Mary, University of London) and Dr Catherine Souch and Alasdair MacLeod (RGS-IBG). The studentship is fully funded for three years full-time (or five years part-time) and will begin in October 2014.

To find out more, see the guidance document.


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