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29th November, 2013

Translating Musical Forms – Rhythm and Rhyme

Event Details

29th November, 2013
Room 526 Coombehurst House, Kingston University
Free but booking required

Music translating text, images and culture – a workshop in cross medial transfer

This workshop will explore particular methodological approaches to the notion of musical translation utilising specific case studies as a base for analysis to illustrate a. music-image transfer, b. text-music transfer and c. text-music dance transfer. The collage album ‘Sports et divertissements’, composed by Erik Satie, designed by Charles Martin, with prose poetry by Erik Satie and published by the fashion publisher Lucien Vogel created in 1914 and adapted in 1922 acts out a mediation of this multimodal transference. Another collage album, composed by Claude Debussy, ‘La Boite à Joujoux’ shall also be explored to chart the adaptation of a play for musical and then dance setting in this children’s ballet.

Helen Julia Minors, Kingston University

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