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28th June, 2013

The Theatre Sound Colloquium

Event Details

28th June, 2013
9am - 6pm
The National Theatre (Lyttelton Theatre), South Bank, London SE1 9PX

The Association of Sound Designers and the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama are pleased to announce a day of informal discussion and exchange about the art of theatre sound design.

The programme includes presentations on:

From Anechoic Chambers to Cocktail Parties: The Challenge of Localizing Sounds in Complex Acoustic Environments with Andrew King and Jennifer Bizley

Making Music on Broadway and in the West End: Changing Technologies and Divisions of Labour, Changing Attitudes Toward Work with Jonathan Burston (via Skype)

Video Games Sound Design & Procedural Audio with Graham Gatheral

And panel discussions on:

The Auditory Scene with Ross Brown, Jennifer Bizley, Andrew King, Mic Pool, Duncan Speakman and Melanie Wilson

Musicals and Sound Reinforcement with David Roesner, Jonathan Burston (via Skype), Terry Jardine, Gareth Owen, Nick Lidster and Wendy Gadian

New Technologies in the Rehearsal Room: Sound Design Processwith Geoffrey Colman, Catherine Alexander, Carolyn Downing, Andy Farnell and Gareth Fry

We’re delighted that David Collison will be conferred as an Honorary Fellow of The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama at the Colloquium. This will be followed by him ‘in conversation’ with Ross Brown.

The day will be structured and introduced by Ross Brown (RCSSD), Gregg Fisher (RCSSD) and Gareth Fry (ASD).

The event will conclude with an evening drinks reception hosted by the Association of Sound Designers, to which all participants are warmly invited.

For full details of the programme please see Theatre Sound Colloquium.

For more information or to register please email, or visit the CSSD website



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