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24th April, 2013

Joanna Griffin

Joanna Griffin is an artist researcher who is interested in the experiential dimension of space technologies. She works on socially engaged projects using art practice to understand how spacefaring enterprises merge with everyday life. She has been the recipient of the International Arts Council Fellowship at NASA Space Science Lab, UC Berkeley, USA, has worked on commissions for art/science agency The Arts Catalyst in the UK and was instrumental in creating a major astronomy festival, Kalpaneya Yatre: Journey of Imaginations, in Bangalore, India. Joanna contributes to the work of the artist/hacker collective Orbitando Satélites and for a number of years mentored the Moon Vehicle project, an artist-led response to the launch of the Chandrayaan-1 mission to the Moon. She has published in Leonardo and Cultural Politics journals and is currently finishing her doctorate with the Transtechnology Research Group at Plymouth University. 

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