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23rd April, 2013

The Experiment: Female Choreographers Collective

Event Details

23rd April, 2013
Laban Theatre
£12 (£8 concs.)

On Tuesday 23 April the Female Choreographers Collective will hold the first part of their two part forum at Laban Theatre. The Experiment invites the audience to watch 6 pieces of work; three by male and three by female choreographers.

The purpose of The Experiment is to gather feedback from our audience and to see what their reaction is to each piece without knowing the gender of the choreographer. Prior to the event we will distribute feedback forms to audience members asking what influences our decisions when choosing what to watch.

We will ask the audience:

– Are you more inclined to watch male or female choreographed work?
– Is there a preference when it comes to male/female choreography?
– Does topic or subject of work matter?
– Does prior knowledge of the choreographer influence decision?
– Does publicity/advertising attract you or put you off?
– Do you always view a particular genre of dance?
– What most attracts you to watching new work?
– Are reviews an important part of decision making?
– What puts you off going to watch performances?

Throughout the event itself, the audience will be given short questionnaires to fill out and return at the end of the evening.

This information will then be collated and distributed prior to the second part of the forum which will be held later in the year, also at Trinity Laban.

For more information please visit the Trinity Laban website.


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