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24th April, 2013


Event Details

24th April, 2013
11:00am-6:00pm Daily
End Date:
27th April, 2013
Triangle Space, Chelsea College of Art & Design, 16 John Islip Street, London SW1P 4JU

The title of the exhibition derives from satellite navigation systems, where it refers to recalculating a route following user deviation from expectation. Here, the term is viewed more generally as referring to navigation in an ever changing social, economic and ecological world, inscribed with traces of history and communal trauma. To navigate such conditions invites investigation of the relationship between collective and individual memory. Whilst the works presented at the Triangle Space show fundamentally different artistic approaches they all connect with the invisible layers of historical and traumatic events.

Two one-day events will accompany the exhibition, the first on the Thursday 25th April, entitled Contextualising Recalculating and the second on Friday 26th April entitled Budapest-London: Exchanging artistic research.

This event is a collaboration between CCW Graduate School and the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Doctoral School.

For more information please visit the Chelsea College of Art & Design website.

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