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6th March, 2013

Islam and the West Lecture 2013: The Expulsion and the Re-entry

Event Details

6th March, 2013
Skeel Lecture Theatre Lecture Theatre, Peoples’ Palace, Mile End Campus
Free, but booking required

Tariq Ali

The creation of a single European Christian identity was marked by the expulsion of thJews from Spain in 1492 and, three decades later, by the final solution in relation to Islam. Sicily had witnessed similar upheavals in the 13th century. The Ottoman expansion impacted on the Balkans but never reached the heart of old Europe. The understanding of this past should help Europe today where 26 million Muslims now live. But does it? A sober reappraisal might enlighten both sides of the debate.

Tariq Ali is a renowned author, filmmaker and cultural commentator. He has written more than two dozen books on world history and politics, including The Clash of Fundamentalisms: Crusades, Jihads and Modernity (2003), and seven novels (translated into over a dozen languages) as well as scripts for the stage and screen. He is an editor of New Left Review.

A Reception will follow the lecture.

For more information please visit the Queen Mary website.

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