7th February, 2014 / 11.00am - 4.00pm
17th February, 2013
In a twenty-first century take on its original ethos, the People’s Palace at Queen Mary, University of London, opens again with eight days of public events for the refreshment of bodies and souls with…
Performances in the newly-refurbished theatre, including work by leading London artists Geraldine Pilgrim (Handbag) and Simon Vincenzi (Luxuriant) and by 2BoysTV from Canada (Phobophilia].
The return of the live art and performance platform, now called (Re)Fresh, including commissions in which younger and older artists create new works together.
A series of post-work discussions about Life After Work, in which artists, activists and thinkers will reflect on the nature of life and work and how we might imagine their relationship in new ways.
Films and exhibitions including an on-going exhibition of the Geography Department’s Poster Project, that recounts the history of the People’s Palace and the installation of the Film Department’s Working Day, a compilation film composed of extracts selected from the archive of British film.
On the opening weekend, an Inter-generational Tea Dance, a Social Cinema screening and a launch party to kick things off in an appropriate style.
Peopling the Palace is a collaboration between staff and students in the Drama, Film, Geography and Media and Arts Technology Departments at Queen Mary University of London and the Live Art Development Agency. Produced by AiR Project and funded by the Centre of Public Engagement, Queen Mary University of London.
For more information and for booking please click here and to download the programme please click here.
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