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15th January, 2013

Isabelle Bond Gold Medal Showcase

Event Details

15th January, 2013
Kings Place, 90 York Way, London, N1 9AG
£14.50, £11.50, £9.50 (saver seat £6.50)


Sarah Denbee, Soprano
Claire Iselin, Harp
Theo Jamieson, Composition
Alex McManus, Jazz Drums
Mikhael Shilyaev, Piano
Helen Whitaker, Flute

Performers taking part in the Showcase Concert for the Isabelle Bond Gold Medal Award for Excellence in Performance are nominated by Heads of Departments for their high standard of performance and contribution to the musical life of Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.

The origins of this annual Award go back over 100 years to 1905 when the Tallis Gold Medal was presented to Isabelle Beatrice Bond in recognition of her outstanding mark in the Trinity Licentiate Diploma examination. Isabelle’s son inherited the medal and generously returned it to the Conservatoire in memory of his mother. This opportunity to hear the elite scholars and prize-winners showcase their talents will also see one of them honoured with this prestigious award.

For more information please click here and for Kings place here.

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